Save your data from a stolen smartphone | CodiiZone

Save your data from a stolen smartphone | CodiiZone Save your data from a stolen smartphone | CodiiZone Save your data from a stolen smartphone | C


Save your data from a stolen smartphone | CodiiZone
 Save your data from a stolen smartphone

You should be warned in advance that you may have your stolen and tried to unlock it - it's not uncommon. To save important data from falling into the wrong hands, there is this app and smarthack :

If you have an iPhone, open the settings and in the section "Face ID and password code" turn on the option "Erase data". After the tenth attempt to enter the wrong password, the will delete all data. 

Wasted is an app (for Android) which completely locks  and wipes the device in an emergency situation. For example, if it has not been turned on for several days: this number of days can be adjusted. 

(getButton) #text=(Wasted) #icon=(link) #color=(#2339bd)

Use it!

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